Air Source Heat Pumps

CP Jefferies design, supply and install air source heat pumps, working with all the major manufacturers. We work to provide your home with the most energy efficient solution available

Benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP)

Leading as the Renewable Energy experts in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - CP Jefferies now offer air source heat pump installations. We work to provide your home with the most energy efficient air source heating and hot water provision, by installing the leading renewable energy systems available in the UK.

There are many options to choose, which is why we have a Cirencester renewable energy manager available to advise you as to what will work best as an air source heating system, within your Gloucestershire home.

There are incentive schemes available, if your property passes the necessary requirements.

It is important that your current heating systems are designed to achieve the highest SCOP (seasonal coverage of performance), to make you eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS).  

What is an Air Source Heat Pump exactly?

Essentially, the air source heat pump works a bit like a refrigerator in reverse.

An air source heat pump is usually placed at the side or back of a property. It takes heat from the air and boosts it to a higher temperature using a heat pump.

By optimising the use of renewable technology, for every kilowatt of electrical energy consumed by the heat pump, we can expect upwards of 3 kilowatts of heat energy to be produced. This means 300% efficiency or greater.

The external unit absorbs heat from the outside air and converts it to useable energy which is transferred to your property's heat emitters and or hot water cylinder.


If you would like to book an appointment with our Cirencester renewable energy specialist, he can talk you through approximate air source heat pump costs and you'll see how much you could potentially save by replacing your existing heating and hot water system with an air source heat pump.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)

What is it?

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is a government financial incentive to promote the installation of retro-fitted heat pumps into the home. Switching to heating systems that use naturally replenished energy can help the UK reduce its Carbon Emissions.

People who have successfully attained a BUS voucher will receive a one-off payment of either £5,000 for an air-source heat pump installation or £6,000 for a ground source heat pump installation following the completion of the installation work. Once an installation has been installed and commissioned, it is registered with the governing body and the incentive is paid out.

Who's it for?

The scheme is open to anyone who can meet the joining requirements. It's for the households both off and on the gas grid.
Properties off mains gas have the most potential to save on fuel bills and reduce carbon emissions.